Saturday, August 15, 2009

School Bus

Click the picture to see the large one.

In the Skagit Valley, WA, in April 2009.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Short Movie - "4 Guys, 4 Theme, for God."

This video is the short movie for my friends and me to share about the christian life in Seattle Church of Christ in July, 2009. It's made up of four short messages based on four guys' real life stories as a christian. There are four themes, such as vision, endurance, God's promises, and three Steves.

(There is 10 min. time limitation to upload a video file on YouTube, so I separated the original video into four parts.)

(Part 1) This is the first part of "4 Guys, 4 Themes, For God." There are the opening and the first story, "Vision" by Ryan Jang. In this episode, he talks about the perspective that one needs to have to overcome his difficulties in his life.

(Part 2) This is the second part of "4 Guys, 4 Themes, For God." There is the second story, "Endurance" by Jay Silver. In this episode, he talks about how he learned endurance through participating in Triathlon many times.

(Part 3) This is the third part of "4 Guys, 4 Themes, For God." There is the third story, "God's Promise" by Felipe Bouroncle. In this episode, there are four sub-parts which show his conviction about God's promises in his life.

(Part 4) This is the last part of "4 Guys, 4 Themes, For God." There are the last story, "Three Steves" by Steven Luksic, and the ending credit. In this episode, three people, who are in fact the same person, show at the same time and he talks about how he made the right decision in his life.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Stippling Technique (1)

The stippling technique is one of art painting styles. This study was about the basic stippling technique which changes general images to artistic images with a lot of black dots. To express such stippling images in art, artists have to put a great amount of time and effort into drawing them. However, the stippling technique in Computer Graphics, especially NPR, can help people to make stippling images through computer system quickly and easily. There are two main technologies which are Voronoi Diagram and Weighted CVD (Central Voronoi Diagram). The former one is to make every dots have even space among them. The latter one is to express the light intensity of original images.

• Examples of Stippling Drawing Technique with Weighted CVD.
(All of them were rendered in 2003.)

Fig. 1. 'Face' with 4,000 dots and 20 iterations

Fig. 2. 'St. Maria' with 10,000 dots and 20 iterations

Fig. 3. 'Girls' with 15,000 dots and 20 iterations

• References

[1] O. Deussen, S. Hiller, K. van Overveld, and T. Strothotte. Floating points: A method for computing stipple drawings. Computer Graphics Forum, Eurographics 2000 Conference Proceedings, pp 40-51, April 2000.

[2] Q. Du, V. Faber, and M. Gunzburger. Centroidal voronoi tesselations. Siam Review, 41(4):637 676, June 1999.

[3] A. Secord. Weighted voronoi stippling., In 2nd International Symposion on Non-Realistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR), ACM Press , pp 37~43., 2002.